Let me introducing myself
My name is Vincent Wong Weng Soon, I’m a freelancer, designing and developing website for clients using WordPress. I am a Malaysian and based in Kuala Lumpur. I can consider myself a IT geek and I have been in IT industry for several years. Previously, I work with one of the largest corporations in Malaysia. Besides that, I also help clients to design and developing Business Intelligent Dashboard (BI) using QlikView and QlikSense. Therefore, if you would like to work together with me, you can expect a dedicated person working on your website somewhere in the globe as a remote WordPress website freelancer.
Me as a Freelancer
You require a full time web designer, be it freelancer or web design company if you are looking someone who can help you to design company website. The good thing about freelance website designer is that I can offer numerous benefits in terms of budget and customized features. Just like a home doctor, you can directly contact me if you have any problem regarding websites.
Passionate about WordPress
I can help you to build clean, unique and result-driven websites using WordPress. Every people has his/her own way to do business, so does the websites, I can build an customized websites based on your requirement and boost your business as well. From a static simple website to a complicated dynamic website with multiple application plugins available in the market deployed into it. Each of these plugins represents the client’s specific business identity. Therefore, most of the clients are satisfied with their websites and able to grow their business through it.